First, view the attribute's value so you know what to revert to if needed 首先,查看属性值,从而知道在需要时应当如何执行恢复
For each Author instance, the firstName should be set to the value of the first attribute on the name element. 对于每个Author实例,firstName应该设置为name元素上的first属性的值。
You create a named template that takes the first word from the attribute's value, converts it into a 创建这样一个指定的模板:它使用属性值的首个单词,将其转换成
The first event has an attribute effect, which indicates that it's a sound and not to be rendered with the TTS engine. 第一个事件具有属性effect,这表示它是一种声音,不用TTS引擎呈现。
The first attribute validated that we are indeed caching JavaScript files with a.js extension. 第一个属性证实确实会缓存扩展名为.js的JavaScript文件。
The case first attribute controls whether upper case characters collate before or after lower case characters, in the absence of other differences in the two text strings. 大小写优先属性控制在两个文本字符串中没有其他差异的情况下,大写字符排列在小写字符前面还是后面。
The FIRST attribute is also optional. FIRST属性也是可选的。
In the first td element you'll notice the first special instruction attribute for Exhibit, ex: role. 在第一个td元素,您会注意到Exhibit的第一个特定指令属性ex:role。
The first one has its runat attribute set to both, which means that the code within will be made available to both the client and server side. 第一个块具有自己的runat属性集,这意味着其中的代码将可用于客户机和服务器端。
The first tag has a value attribute of# { catalog. publicData}, and the second has a value attribute of# { catalog. privateData}. 第一个标签有一个{catalog.publicData}的value属性,第二个标签有一个{catalog.privateData}的value属性。
Instead of selecting, say, the first attribute of the second child element of the root element, you use an XPath expression like/ cds/ cd [@ title='August and Everything After ']. 比方说,不必选择根元素第二个子元素的第一个属性,可以使用XPath表达式/cds/cd[@title='AugustandEverythingAfter']。
First, the driver attribute MUST equal "org. apache. derby. jdbc. EmbeddedDriver". 首先,驱动程序属性必须等于“org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver”。
Cruelty is the first attribute of the devil. 残酷是魔鬼的第一属性。
A wise skepticism is the first attribute of a good critic ( James Russell Lowell). 明智的怀疑主义是造就一个优秀批评家的第一要素(詹姆斯罗素劳维尔)。
Notice that after you indent the first attribute, if you press enter in the tag, subsequent lines are indented to match. 注意,在缩进第一个属性后,如果在标记中按enter,则后面的行会缩进以匹配。
Generosity is his first attribute. 宽大是他最主要的特质。
Chapter 3:1. At first, we suggest attribute similarity information system based on similarity degree and similarity degree measure function, and consider attribute similarity information system is similarity system of some certain Knowledge representation system. 首先提出基于相似度和相似度度量函数的属性相似信息系统的概念。并提出属性相似信息系统是相似关系粗糙集模型的一个特例,是某个知识表达系统的近似系统。
Based on these analyses, the paper presents a Decision Tree Optimization Algorithm by means of Genetic Algorithm, the Algorithm which is conducted first by attribute optimization then by realizing the classification accuracy and simplified rules balance of the Decision Tree. 在此基础上,提出一个借助遗传算法进行属性组合寻优、进而实现决策树分类精度与规则简易性平衡的决策树优化算法,并为此设计了一个适应度函数。
In order to realize the aim, first we should establish subjective attribute musical education idea, and should construct musical curricula system, the third should construct the methods and tactics. 为实现目标首先应确立主体性音乐教育观念,然后是构建实现主体性目标的音乐课程体系,接下来是实施策略与方法。
At first, the attribute of knowledge node basic partial model in the whole model exactly expresses the basic character of content of knowledge node, therefore enable these knowledge node easily to be controlled for teaching. 该模型的合理性和优越性表现在以下几个方面:首先,课件模型中的知识点基本模型的各项属性反映了知识点的基本特征,便于教学控制;
In the preprocessing stage, the enclosed edges of visible object surfaces are detected first and a scene attribute graph to represent the scene ( SAGR) is used. 该方法在图象预处理阶段先检测物体可视表面的闭合边界,再依据闭合边界对物体进行表面分割,并用一个景物特征图对景物进行表达(SAGR)。
Teaching resource is the first attribute which guarantees the quality of distance education. 教学资源是保证远程教学质量的第一要素。
The text divides into three parts altogether: First part, Climate attribute and his law science of resource think. 第一部分,气候资源的属性及其法学思考。
Through studying, the author finds that: First, historical cost measure attribute to based on labor value theory, study it have great realistic meaning; 经研究发现:历史成本计量属性是以劳动价值理论为基础,未来现金流量现值法是以要素价值论为基础,通过比较分析,发现前者更具有重大现实意义;
As to the civil law, the current study focuses on, first, the legal attribute of the net virtual properties and, further, the way to regulate and protect the net virtual properties. 就民事领域而言,目前的研究多是先从网络虚拟财产的法律定性出发,进而探讨采用何种方式对其进行规制和保护。
The first economic attribute of expressways is the same as that of semi-public articles, namely, natural monopoly, which requires that government should play a leading role in allocation of expressway resources, for example, at a macro level by adopting franchised dealing. 高速公路具有自然垄断的准公共物品的经济属性,这决定了政府应该在高速公路资源配置中发挥主导作用,通过特许经营的方式从宏观层面上配置高速公路资源。
This article first translates attribute reduction in decision-making table into attribute reduction in the decision-making to simplify the list, followed redefines the concept of restrictive positive region, and then get some nature about it. 本文首先将决策表上的属性约简转化到简化的决策表上进行,其次重新定义了限制正域的概念,并得到了限制正域的一些性质。
When understanding and analyzing the image, edge detection is always be the first procedure and an essential attribute in detecting characteristics of images during the process of recognition and segmentation. 边缘检测往往作为对图像理解和分析的第一步,也是图像识别与分割过程中检测图像特征的重要属性。
This article has first analyzed the highway essential attribute and the efficiency theory as well as influence efficiency various factors. 本文首先分析了高速公路基本属性和效率理论以及影响效率的各因素。